Lesson 1: Orientation to Pitch Decks
This lesson explains the overall objective and structure of a successful pitch deck and provides critical context for the remainder of the lessons included in this unit.
Lesson 2: The Big Idea
Great pitch decks capture attention and build anticipation with an intriguing and compelling cover slide. This lesson walks you step-by-step through the process of creating your "Big Idea" slide.
Lesson 3: The Problem & Solution
To sell your idea effectively, you must narrate a tale of exciting opportunity by telling a story of an urgent problem and an innovative solution. This lesson walks you through the process of telling your story and includes a fun example taken from a live pitch event.
Lesson 4: How Your Solution Works
One of the most difficult challenges of intrapreneurship is explaining how your innovation works at a summary, "big picture" level. This lesson makes it quick and easy using a simple 4-step process.
Lesson 5: The Market
"How big is the market for your innovation?" This is often THE question at the top of Management's list, but also the topic that most intrapreneurs struggle to understand, much less explain. This lesson will empower you to confidently speak Management's language, and quantify the size of your market with ease.
Lesson 6: The Financial Model
Your management will want to understand the nitty gritty details regarding the anticipated financial impact of your innovation. For example, how will it impact pricing? Units sold? Total revenue? Costs? Profit? This lesson will empower you to develop and articulate great answers to all such questions.
Lesson 7: The Forecast
What are the key metrics of your innovation's growth, revenue, and costs? As your innovation is implemented and operated, how do you anticipate those metrics will change over time? These are the questions that your Forecast slide answers. This lesson empowers you to create the Forecast slide with ease.
Lesson 8: The Competition
How does your innovation stack up against the competion? In this lesson you will learn a simple way to articulate your competitive edge.
Lesson 9: The Distribution Model
Your Distribution Model explains how you will get your innovation out into the world. I.e. it answers the questions:
- Where will your customers discover that your innovation exists?
- Where will they evaluate the features, benefits, and costs of your innovation?
- Where will they acquire or access your innovation?
This lesson provides you with a simple process for answering these questions.
Lesson 10: The Team
Innovation success often depends more on the quality of the team than the quality of the idea. A great team can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat; a weak team may squander the most promising opportunity. Given this reality, it is critically important that you assemble a winning team. This lesson offers insightful, actionable tips on how to make that happen.
Lesson 11: The Risk Mitigation Plan
The Risk Mitigation Slide is an opportunity for you to:
- Challenge your own assumptions and proactively identify risk;
- Neutralize your Innovation Council's concerns by proactively bringing these risks to their attention, and showing how they might be mitigated; and
- Establishing your credibility as a person who is both insightful enough to see the risk and transparent enough to lay it on the table.
This lesson walks you through a 4-step process for developing and articulating your risk mitigation plan.
Lesson 12: Delivering the Pitch
Lesson 12, "Delivering the Pitch," teaches you the elements of good delivery and tips about how you can effectively prepare to deliver a winning pitch.
This lesson has been written for a professional and managerial audience and assumes a basic knowledge of business concepts and terminology. Otherwise, no prerequisite skills or knowledge are required.